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“Tribes of Red Men”

Among the tribes of red men that inhabited this part of the world three hundred years ago, there was a small brave nation, whose hunting-grounds lay adjacent to the eastern shore of that lake. The nation I speak of, like most of its neighbors, was frequently engaged in war. It had many enemies, who sought any means to weaken it, both by stratagem and declared hostility. But the red warriors who fought its battles were very brave; and they had a chief, whose courage and wonderful skill in all the savage arts of war, made him renowned through the island, and even on no small portion of the continent itself. He was called by a name which, in our language, signifies “Unrelenting”. There were only two dwellers in his lodge—himself and his youthful son; for twenty moons had filled and waned since the chieftain’s wife placed in the burial-ground of her people. (Franklin Evans page 10) Papragraph 7

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2 Responses

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  1. Avatar of flowhitman flowhitman says

    “Unrelenting,” not yielding, severity and determination are the words know to describe the “Tribes of Red Men.”

  2. Avatar of nicoleg nicoleg says

    “Unrelenting”, the red man who’s braveness can overcome an army of hostility. The red skinned man with his warriors who fights another mans war, a man whose courage and skillfull warrioism has given him the right of that precious name “Unrelenting” . He is brave and mighty but lonely, his heart may be filled with sorrrow for his beloved wife has passed on not so long back and is rested away from war, away from hostility, waiting for her cheif. His family is no more, all that remanins is a young son, the heir of the chief, the heir for the blood line of brave, skillfull, war fighting warriors. The warriors “tribes of red men”.

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