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“Drowning My Horrible Agony”

It was night. I walked madly and swiftly through the streets, and though the people stared, I recked not of their notice, but kept my way. What would I have given for power to call back but one little year? One moment only, did I think of drowning my horrible agony in drink; but I cursed the very reflection, as it was formed in my soul. Now, I thought upon Mary’s tenderness to me – upon her constant care, and regard, and love; and now the idea of the repayment I had made her, filled my bosom.

            As I wended thus heedlessly on with long strides, I came off against the entrance of a tavern which, in times past, I had frequently visited. In the door, talking with a party of companions, stood a form which, in the imperfect light, I thought I recognized. Another moment, he turned, and his face was shone upon by the gas-lamp; I was right in my conjecture – it was Colby. With a sudden revulsion of feeling, I remembered that it was he who had tempted me, and through whose means all my follies and crimes had been committed. I sprang madly toward the place where he stood.

            “Devil!” cried I furiously, seizing him by the throat, “you have brought death to one for whom I would willingly have suffered torments forever! It is fitting that you pay the penalty with your own base life. Die! Villain, even on the spot where you started me upon my ruin!”

 – (Franklin Evans, 51 )

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2 Responses

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  1. Avatar of lovelyd523 lovelyd523 says


    Amber, I like the quote you chose. I think it includes a rich level of imagery as well as details. You have chosen a part of the book where I think actually shows the influence alcohol can have on a person.

    I liked this line, “one moment only, did I think of drowning my horrible agony in drink; but cursed the very reflection, as it was formed in my soul.” This exemplifies the actual coping methods people use in different cases. In this case, the protagonist is dealing with suffering and pain. People have used drinking alcohol as a way to numb the issues of life, but records show that drinking can cause many dangers, including death and violence.

    Sometimes as a result, people who drink a lot may tend not to think rationally about their next move. For example, when the main character, Franklin Evans saw Colby, the person that tempted him, he immediately felt disgust toward him. Franklin admits that he was influenced by Colby’s choice to do him wrong in some way or another and further enhanced his decision to act foolishly and get involved with crimes. Franklin does not hesitate to take matters into his own hands. Often when people are already upset, it doesn’t take long for them to react to the situation without careful thought. “I sprang madly toward the place where he stood.” There are other healthy ways to liberate anger and refrain from causing danger towards others. When anger is aroused anything can happen, including murder. Franklin, because of his level of anger killed Colby while under the influence. Both anger and intoxication played an important role in the killing.

  2. Avatar of lovelyd523 lovelyd523 says

    I found this poem that i really liked. It is not really too much about the alcoholism, but the effects of it, mainly anger.

    “Anger Says”

    Anger says:
    “I can destroy
    The whole world.”
    Peace says:
    “Not when I work
    Inside you.”
    By: Sri Chinmoy

    We have to understand that anger is a waste and time and energy
    And the gift God gave you.
    Anger is just a feeling, an emotion that will soon fade
    Its not worth the stress, anxiety, and worry that we do over it, that cause us to make bad decisions.
    If we take time to think about those decisions we want to make, we then can look past the ones that will harm us and end up having bad consequences.
    Everyone gets angry, in one situation or another, but its how you deal with it that will be the life or death of you.

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